@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010627, author = {郡司, 修一 and 岸本, 祐二 and 田中, 佑麿 and 藤田, 直樹 and 櫻井, 敬久 and 門叶, 冬樹 and 林田, 清 and 山内, 学 and 常深, 博 and 三原, 建弘 and 斎藤, 芳隆 and Gunji, Shuichi and Kishimoto, Yuji and Tanaka, Yuma and Fujita, N. and Sakurai, Hirohisa and Tokanai, Fuyuki and Hayashida, Kiyoshi and Yamauchi, Manabu and Tsunemi, Hiroshi and Mihara, Tatehiro and Saito, Yoshitaka}, book = {宇宙科学シンポジウム: 講演集録, Proceedings of the Space Science Symposium}, month = {Jan}, note = {第10回宇宙科学シンポジウム (2010年1月7日-8日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部), 10th Space Science Symposium (January 7-8, 2010. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 形態: カラー図版あり, 形態: CD-ROM1枚, 著者人数: 11人, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, Note: One CD-ROM, Number of authors:, 資料番号: AA0064742136}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)}, title = {硬X線偏光度検出器PHENEXの将来計画}, volume = {10}, year = {2010} }