@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014029, author = {乙部, 智仁 and 矢花, 一浩 and 岩田, 潤一 and Otobe, Tomohito and Yabana, Kazuhiro and Iwata, Junichi}, book = {2002年度宇宙空間原子分子過程研究会:強い場における原子分子過程.強光子場と強クーロン場, Symposium on Atom-Molecule Processes in Space 2002: Atom-Molecule Processes in Strong Fields. Strong Photon and Strong Coulomb Fields}, month = {May}, note = {資料番号: AA0045918003}, pages = {8--11}, publisher = {宇宙科学研究所, The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS)}, title = {強光子場中における原子分子のトンネルイオン化率の微視的計算}, year = {2003} }