@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001882, author = {高木, 亮治 and 北條, 勝己 and Takaki, Ryoji and Hojo, Katsumi}, month = {Mar}, note = {科学衛星運用工学データベースEDISON(Engineering Database for ISAS Spacecraft Operation Needs)は科学衛星や探査機の運用に必要とされる工学情報(テレメトリデータ, 局設備からのデータなど)を一元的に収集管理し, また利用しやすい形で関係者に配布するためのシステムである.EDISONでは物理量に変換されたデータを, Webブラウザを通じてCSVファイル形式で提供することでユーザーの利便性を高めている.EDISONはこれまでISASの主要な7つの衛星向けにシステムが開発され運用されている.この度新しく打ち上げられた「ひさき」, 「はやぶさ2」向けに第二世代EDISONシステムを開発したので, その概要について紹介する., EDISON (Engineering Database for ISAS Spacecraft Operation Needs) is a database system which aims to provide engineering data related to spacecraft operations. It has HK telemetry data from spacecraft and operation status of ground systems, such as tracking data, orbital elements, command histories and so on. EDISON has following features; the available data are in physical quantities for user’s convenience, the system does not use any commercial database software to reduce maintenance load for the life of the satellite, and the data in EDISON can be accessed using a web browser. A user can sample a part of the data, and download it as a text file of CSV format. The seven EDISON systems for NOZOMI, HAYABUSA, SUZAKU, AKARI, HINODE, AKATSUKI and IKAROS were constructed and are in service currently. Second generation EDISON for HISAKI and HAYABUSA2 has been developed with new concepts and technologies. This paper presents the overview of second generation EDISON., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1630012002, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-15-006}, title = {第二世代EDISON(衛星運用工学データベースシステム)の開発}, year = {2016} }