@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001917, author = {永松, 弘行 and Nagamatsu, Hiroyuki}, month = {Mar}, note = {衛星の定常運用における運用人員(オペレータ)の負担軽減を主目的とする衛星自動運用システムを開発中である.「れいめい」衛星の運用局(相模原局)を実験ケースとして試験運用を継続しており,実用化の目処は立った.また,自動運用システムを補完,あるいは拡張するための遠隔運用システムをあわせて開発中であり,「どこからでも衛星が運用・監視可能なシステム(どこでも運用システム)」の構築を目指している.携帯端末上にて試作した遠隔運用システムの汎用性向上のための改修を施し,Web アプリケーションとしての整備を進めている.本稿では,「どこでも運用システム」の開発状況を紹介する., We are in progress to develop a system for automatic operation of a satellite in order to reduce human load at satellite steady operation phase. The ground station for small satellite REIMEI is used as a test bench for verification of the proposed method. The automatic operation system is nearly completed for downlink operations of the data recorder that account for 80% of REIMEI steady operation. This approach is very effective to reduce psychological and physical load of operators. To extend or complement functions of automatic operation system, we are also in progress to develop a system for remote operation of satellite as an web-based application which is portable to various devices, for example, tablet, smart phone and personal computers. With this remote operation system, operators can monitor status of satellite and ground station anywhere. In addition, on receiving emergency call, operator can send appropriate commands or operation plans by controlling automatic operation system., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1530026003, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-14-009}, title = {どこでも運用システムの開発状況 (第2報)}, year = {2015} }