@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001974, author = {野村, 聡幸 and Nomura, Toshiyuki}, month = {Dec}, note = {2020 年代前半のEIS を想定した120 席級の将来旅客機TRA2022 の概念設計を市販ソフトRDS-Pro を使って行った.TRA2022 は現行機からの燃料消費30% 以上削減を目標値としている.主翼及び巡航マッハ数の異なる3 機種のTRA2022が設計され,全機種が上記目標値を達成した.また,TRA2022 の1 機種に関して,燃料消費削減量の半分以上が巡航SFCによるものであることが分かった., The conceptual design of a 120-seat class future passenger aircraft named TRA2022, which is assumed to enter service in early 2020s, is conducted using the commercial software RDS-Pro. One of the goals of TRA2022 is to reduce fuel consumption by more than 30% compared to existing aircraft. Three types of TRA2022 that differ in wing and cruise Mach number are designed, and all of them attain the above goal. Furthermore, concerning one type of TRA2022, it is found that more than a half of the reduction of fuel consumption is due to cruise SFC., 形態: 図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains illustrations, 資料番号: AA0062063000, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-13-007}, title = {燃料消費削減を目指した将来旅客機の概念設計}, year = {2013} }