@misc{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000286, author = {KUZE, Akihiko and 久世, 暁彦 and NAKAMURA, Yoichi and 中村, 陽一 and KIKUCHI, Nobuhiro and 菊地, 信弘 and ODA, Tomohiro and 小田, 知宏 and KATAOKA, Fumie and 片岡, 文恵 and SUTO, Hiroshi and 須藤, 洋志 and SHIOMI, Kei and 塩見, 慶 and MATSUDA, Mana and MATSUO, Satoshi}, month = {Dec}, note = {Report No. : A54F-06}, title = {Estimating emissions over global megacities using partial-column density product of the lower-tropospheric CO2 from long-term GOSAT target observations}, year = {2021} }