@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020431, author = {斎藤, 靖之 and 小野, 正太 and 川村, 太一 and 田中, 智 and 中村, 良雄 and Hagermann, Axel and 宝来, 帰一 and Saito, Yasuyuki and Ono, Shota and Kawamura, Taichi and Tanaka, Satoshi and Nakamura, Yoshio and Hagermann, Axel and Horai, Kiichi}, book = {第40回月・惑星シンポジウム, Proceedings of the 40th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium}, month = {Jul}, note = {Lunar earthquake called Moonquake had been observed by Apollo missions. This experiment was carried out in a part of the ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package) of Apollo 12, 14, 15, and 16. Network observation using all of the stations was carried out for about five years until September 30, 1977. On the other hands, the Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) experiment was carried out in Apollo 17 mission in order to detect gravitational waves and measure tidal deformations of the Moon. This experiment has never obtained meaningful data for gravity, however, the instrument had been functioned as a seismometer. In this study, we examined the LSG data and confirmed that it was detecting seismic signals by using band-pass filter and spectrogram. These analyses enabled us to improve the accuracy of determination of arrival times. The error of the arrival times of deep moonquakes are expected to be about 30 seconds. The analysis of the LSG data as a seismometer expands the observable area of Apollo seismic observation network. With the expanded network, we may be able to determine seismic centers of unclassified deep moonquakes. If seismic centers of the far side of the Moon can be identified, the observed signals may have passed the lunar core. We are expecting to obtain some new information of the lunar interior from the analysis of the LSG data., 資料番号: AA0063723011}, pages = {42--47}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA/ISAS)}, title = {Detection of the lunar deep moonquake at Apollo 17 site}, year = {2007} }