@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002052, author = {萩原, 敏正 and 舩引, 浩平 and 若色, 薫 and Hagiwara, Toshimasa and Funabiki, Kohei and Wakairo, Kaoru}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究では,JAXA 回転翼機用シミュレータのモーション・システムを最適化することを目的とし,回転翼機と固定翼機で大きく異なると想定されるHeave(上下)とYaw 方向の位相余有をモーション・システムの設定を変えながら測定した., また,Heave とYaw の位相余有の測定で得られたモーション・システムのフィルタの時定数等の設定の可否を判断し,その設定をHeave とYaw 以外の軸の設定に反映すべきかどうかを判断するためにシミュレータによる確認フライトを実施し,パイロット・コメントより全設定の最適値を求めた., The previous studies have confirmed that the phase margin in Pilot-in-the-loop shows objective motion system setup adequacy based on an assumption that the phase margin will be increased according to the improved motion cue which affects pilot estimation., In this study, first, heave and yaw phase margins of JAXA rotorcraft flight simulator were measured varying motion system setup, because it assumed they are typically different from airplane flight simulator. Next, the adequacy of motion system setups resulted from phase margin measurements was verified by the pilot comments through stop and go tasks, side step tasks, etc. And it was also confirmed whether these motion system setups should be reflected in other motion system setups. Finally, all motion system setups of JAXA rotorcraft flight simulator became adequate., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA0065046000, レポート番号: JAXA-RR-11-002}, title = {回転翼機用フライト・シミュレータにおけるモーション・システムの設定}, year = {2011} }