@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020623, author = {加藤, 學 and 佐々木, 進 and 飯島, 祐一 and 田中, 孝治 and 滝澤, 悦貞 and 水谷, 仁 and Kato, Manabu and Sasaki, Susumu and Iijima, Yuichi and Tanaka, Koji and Takizawa, Yoshisada and Mizutani, Hitoshi}, book = {第37回月・惑星シンポジウム, Proceedings of the 37th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium}, month = {Feb}, note = {Present status and science goals of SELENE project are described. First integration test has finished in last March. Science instruments including HDTV are being received inspection review now. After the review instruments will be assembled in TKSC/JAXA. Final integration test will be started in next January. Launch site operation will be followed to launch day of 2006 FY., 資料番号: AA0047898045}, pages = {175--178}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA/ISAS)}, title = {SELENE project: Science goal and present status}, year = {2004} }