@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022706, author = {堀, 秀輔 and Hori, Shusuke}, issue = {2}, journal = {水素エネルギーシステム, Journal of the Hydrogen Energy Systems Society of Japan}, month = {Jun}, note = {H3 rocket is the Japanese next flagship launch vehicle for large satellites succeeding the currently operated H2A and H2B. It is developed with the first flight scheduled in fiscal year 2020 in order to guarantee the autonomy of our nation in access-to-space and to realize its competitiveness in the 2020s. Since hydrogen is known as the propellant of excellent performance for the space launch vehicle, Japanese rockets have been utilizing liquid hydrogen for the fuel of first stage and the second stage. Making the most of this core competence, H3 is the largest hidrogen-oxygen rocket optimised for the future global launch market. Thus space industry will stay as the large market of liquid hydrogen in Japan and can also contribute to the realization of the hydrogen society as the technology innovator., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: PA1610096000}, pages = {90--94}, title = {宇宙用ロケットにおける水素利用と将来展望}, volume = {41}, year = {2016} }