@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00031508, author = {福田, 博 and 河田, 幸三 and FUKUDA, Hiroshi and KAWATA, Kozo}, issue = {3_A}, journal = {東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告}, month = {Jul}, note = {短繊維を理想的にならべた複合材料を引張ったときに生ずる内部応力を平面弾性問題として解く.従来の解析の矛盾をとり除き,かつ計算を容易にするため新しいモデルが提案されている.計算結果は実験結果と比較され,かなりよく一致することが確かめられている., The axial stress of a fiber, the shear stress at the fiber-matrix interface and the stress in the matrix of short fiber composites under tension are calculated using a new model proposed by the authors. In the present model,. the fiber and the matrix do not overlap at the region corresponding to the fiber, while they overlap in most of the fomer reports published by other authors. Calculations are performed for ideally formed composites, that is, single short fiber models and models of regular fiber array. Effects of the aspect ratio of the fiber and the modulus ratio of the fiber and matrix are clarified in the former case. Effects of the spacing of fibers are discu- ssed in the latter case. Experiments are also done. The numerical results are found to coincide fairly well with the experimental data., 資料番号: SA0124410000}, pages = {491--513}, title = {短繊維理想成形複合材料の内部応力}, volume = {10}, year = {1974} }