@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00031877, author = {小口, 高 and OGUTI, Takashi}, issue = {3_B}, journal = {東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告}, month = {Sep}, note = {ロケットおよび人工衛星を用いて行なう地球およびその周辺の磁場の観測月については既に数多くの研究成果が発表され磁場の分布についてはかなり明らかになってきた.一方磁場の変動やそれと地表における観測結果との比較などまだまだ必ずしも定説ができあがるまての観測に乏しい研究面も沢山あるように思われる.このことは何も磁気圏と言った広い域領に限らず,たとえばロケットによる電離層内電流系の測定といった身近な問題についても言えることで,電流系の高さなどはわかってもダイナモ理論の検証のために風系,イオン密度などと同時政則を行なうと言った仕事はまだきわめて不充分である.以下に述べるのはこれらの間題について,1)滋気圏外部,2)磁気圏底部,3)電離層領域にわけて,それぞれについて現在までの測定結果を概説し,問題点を拾い出し,今後の研究の方向を探るための一つの試みてある., Number of recent observation of the distant geomagnetic field with the aid of artificial satellites, have given us new knowledges on the gross character of magnetosphere and its neighbouring region, for example, the characteristics of shock front, magnetopause and magnetic tail. There are, of course, many problems still unknown on the physical nature of earth's environmental space. The fluctuation of magnetic field, would be one of these problems, especially in relation with the field fluctuation on the earth's surface, since it has not yet studied so far as systematically as the field configuration itself, except some partial findings of characteristic fluctuations. Even on the problem, much more accessible for us, as to the electric current in the ionosphere, main effort devoted so far, limited on the study of its altitude distribution, and few experimental work deal with the physical mechamism of ionospheic current. These problems mentioned above are reviewed in this paper in section 2 and 3 on those in the distant region and in the ionosphere respectively, and a proposal of magnetic measurement of three components are briefly given in section 4., 資料番号: SA0124936000}, pages = {1146--1165}, title = {ロケットおよび人工衛星による磁場観測}, volume = {2}, year = {1966} }