@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00031901, author = {小口, 伯郎 and 本間, 弘樹 and 別所, 順吉 and 小楠, 千早 and OGUCHI, Hakuro and HONMA, Hiroki and BESSHO, Junkichi and OGUSU, Chihaya}, issue = {1_A}, journal = {東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告}, month = {Jan}, note = {低密度気流中の密度分布を短時間内に測定することを目的として,電子レンズによって平行に走査される電子線を利用した密度計を試作した.その機構,性能と,低密度ガン・タンネル気流におかれた球の前方の衝撃波層内の密度分布測定に応用した結果が報告されている., The scanning-electron-beam densitometer has been developed in order to measure density distributions in a rarefied gas flow during a short period of time. The decay of electron-beam intensity depends on the gas density along the beam path. In the ordinary use of electron-beam densitometer the beam is employed to hold a fixed position, so that the beam-intensity measurement provides the density only along the fixed path. In the present device, the electron beam can be scanned across the gas flow in parallel with the original beam axis by use of the electron lens and collimator. The density distribution along the path in the scan direction is obtained by the beam-intensity measurement. In actual this device has been applied to obtain the density distribution along the shock layer ahead of a sphere in a low-density gun tunnel stream., 資料番号: SA0124964000}, pages = {92--100}, title = {稀薄気流における密度分布測定のための走査電子線密度計}, volume = {2}, year = {1966} }