@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00032068, author = {山崎, 郭滋 and 八田, 桂三 and YAMASAKI, Kakuji and HATTA, Keizo}, issue = {2_A}, journal = {東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告}, month = {Apr}, note = {シーム溶接をされた厚さの薄いフィンに関して,フィン表面に一定の熱伝達率およびフィン底部とフィン取付板との溶接されていない部分の間隙に一様な熱抵抗を仮定して,その温度分布,フィン効率,フィン有効度,フィン取付板全体に対する有効度(総フィン有効度)を計算し,熱伝達率,すなわちフィン表面からの放熱量(放熱熱次元量M),間隙熱抵抗(間隙熱抵抗無次元量N)および無次元フィン形状(L_1,L_2,L)がこれらにどのように影響するかを調べた。フィンの長さ方向(横方向)の温度分布は,フィン表面からの放熱量が多いか,または間隙熱抵抗が大きくなるにしたがって急激に降下する.フィン効率はフィン表面からの放熱量,間隙熱抵抗あるいはフィン高さが減少するにしたがって増加する.放熱量が非常に大きい場合には,フィン底部の溶接をされていない非溶接部の幅が大きくなるほどフィン効率は多少よくなるが,放熱量が小さい場合は逆となる.しかし放熱量の大きい(Mが0.3~1.0より大きい)場合にはこの様なフィンを付けること自身あまり意味がない.間隙熱抵抗のフィン効率への影響はあまり大きくはなく,間隙熱抵抗熱次元量Nがほぼ0.2を越すとフィン効率はほとんど変化しなくなる. フィン有効度については,フィン有効度とAfあるいはNの関係はフィン効率とMあるいはNの関係と同じ傾向を有すること,またフィン有効度はフィンの非溶接幅が減少するかあるいはフィン高さが増すと増加するが,しかしその値は飽和することがわかった.したがって最適フィン高さが存在し工業上普通使われる場合空気では無次元フィン高さL_2は2~10,水では1~3くらいの範囲内にある.総フィン有効度はフィン有効度と同じ傾向を示し,かつM,N,非溶接幅およびフィン高さを一定にしてフィンピッチを大きくしていくと,漸近的に一定値に近ずく。, The steady state conduction equations of a seam-welded U-type fin were solved under the assumptions of constant heat-transfer coefficient all over the fin surface and of constant thermal resistance uniformly distributed between the non-welded portion of the fin base and the wall surface to calculate the temperature distribution of the fin, the fin efficiency, the fin effectiveness, and the over-all fin effectiveness corresponding to the total area of the wall surface. The effects of the heat-transfer coefficient, of the thermal resistance of the non-welded gap, and of the fin size upon those efficiencies were studied. The temperature of the fin decreases rapidly along the direction of the fin length as the heat transfer from the fin surface to the surrounding fluid becomes much or as the thermal resistance of the non-welded gap large. The fin efficiency increases as the heat transfer, the thermal resistance, or the fin height decreases. The efficiency of the fin with large heat-transfer coefficient is improved by the increase of the width of the non-welded portion of the fin base, while the fin with small heat-transfer coefficient has the opposite tendency. But in case that the heat transfer from the fin surface is much (the dimensionless quantity of heat transfer M larger than about from 0.3 to 1.0), it is nonsense that such a fin is used. The dimensionless quantity of thermal resistance of gap N has little effect upon the fin efficiency, and for the values of N larger than about 0.2 the fin efficiency is almost constant. Upon the fin effectiveness the heat-transfer coefficient and the thermal resistance of the non-welded gap have the same effect as upon the fin efficiency. The fin effectiveness increases up to an asymptotic value as the width of the non-welded portion decreases or as the fin height increases. Accordingly an appropriate fin height exists, and for the range of the heat-transfer coefficients as they occur under usual engineering conditions, the dimensionless fin height L_2 is about from 2 to 10 for air and about from 1 to 3 for water. The over-all fin effectiveness has the same tendency as the fin effectiveness, and approaches to an asymptotic value as the fin picth is made large under the condition of the constant values of the dimensionless quantity of heat transfer M, the dimensionless quantity of thermal resistance of gap N, the width of the non-welded portion, and the fin height., 資料番号: SA0125167000}, pages = {222--241}, title = {シーム溶接をされたU字型フィンのフィン効率と有効度}, volume = {5}, year = {1969} }