@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00032790, author = {辛島, 桂一 and 北間, 章司 and KARASHIMA, Keiichi and KITAMA, Shoji}, journal = {宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集: 宇宙航行の力学シンポジウム報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {本報告は小規模な吹き出しが軸対称旋回流の渦崩壊に及ぼす効果, 及び流れ場の構造を明らかにする事を目的として行なった数値解析の結果である。基本的にはGrabowski & Bergerらの数値モデルを用い, それに軸に沿う吹き出しを適用して, 渦崩壊の挙動を詳細に調べている。blowingを適用した場合には, non blowingの場合に比較して渦崩壊の位置が下流へ移動し, また同時にbubbleの寸法は減少する事が明らかにされており, この事は, 吹き出しによる旋回流の軸方向運動量増加が, 中心軸近傍の軸方向速度分布を下流側へシフトさせ, かつ運動量を失いにくくするためであると結論されている。, This paper gives the results of a numerical approach to the effects of a small blowing on an axisymmetric swirling flow including vortex-breakdown. The numerical computation is carried out using essentially the same flow model as proposed by Grabowski & Berger, and the response of a breakdown-induced bubble to the blowing is examined in detail. It is shown that the blowing induces not only a downstream movement of the breakdown location but also a considerable decrease in size of the axisymmetric bubble accompanied with the vortex-breakdown. Detailed examination reveals that the momentum addition due to the blowing contributes to augment both the axial and circumferetial velocity components near the axis of the swirling flow, so that the non-blowing flow field seems as if it were shifted downstream, thus delaying the vortex-breakdown., 資料番号: SA0166546000}, pages = {137--144}, title = {vortex breakdown に及ぼす blowing の効果}, volume = {3}, year = {1982} }