@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00033268, author = {橋本, 正之 and 長木, 明成 and 早川, 基 and 向井, 利典 and 中谷, 一郎 and 西郡, 直実 and 水谷, 光恵 and Hashimoto, Masashi and Choki, Akinari and Hayakawa, Hajime and Mukai, Toshifumi and Nakatani, Ichiro and Nishigori, Naomi and Mizutani, Mitsue}, journal = {宇宙科学研究所報告}, month = {Oct}, note = {人工衛星や探査機が年々複雑で高精度化するにつれて,打ち上げ後の運用においても広範囲でより深い知識が要求されるようになってきている.一方,この状況に対応するために多くの高度な各分野の専門知識を持つ人を長期にわたって運用室に拘束することは人材の有効利用の観点からもコスト抑制の観点からも実際的ではない.この問題を解決する1手段として,各分野の専門家の知識を広く集め,これをコンピュータ上に利用し易い形で有機的に集積し,定常運用においてはこれに衛星,探査機の状態を監視させるエキスパート型の診断システムを構築した.ISACS-DOCと呼ばれる本システムは宇宙科学研究所の相模原管制室に設置され,現在,磁気圏観測衛星「GEOTAIL」と火星探査機「のぞみ」の異常監視・診断に利用され,同衛星・探査機の日々の安全な運用に貢献している., Scientific spacecraft are becoming more sophisticated to satisfy the more complicated requirements from onboard scientific instruments. The operators who control the spacecraft are also required to have wider and deeper knowledge. The demand for operators who have such deep professional knowledge of the spacecraft and also the ground support systems is not necessarily attainable under strict restriction of budget and personnel. A monitoring and diagnostic system with expert technique in which professional knowledge from many experts in various fields was integrated in the computer system to solve this problem was developed. This system called ISACS-DOC watches automatically the condition of the spacecraft to keep the operation safe. Two ISACS-DOC systems are presently in operation to keep the magnetospheric observation satellite GEOTAIL and the Mars probe NOZOMI running safely. These systems are located at Sagamihara Spacecraft Operation Center (SSOC) of the Institute of Space and Astronautical science (ISAS)., 資料番号: SA0200041000}, pages = {1--20}, title = {探査機異常監視・診断システム(ISACS-DOC)}, volume = {112}, year = {2000} }