@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00033347, author = {小島, 孝之 and 澤井, 秀次郎 and 佐藤, 哲也 and Kojima, Takayuki and Sawai, Shujirou and Sato, Tetsuya}, journal = {宇宙科学研究所報告. 特集: ATREXエンジンの研究開発}, month = {Mar}, note = {High acceleration and unstart of the intake are characteristics of the ATREX engine for space plane. Studies about control of intake and supersonic air breathing engine model are conducted experimentally to establish control sequences of the ATREX engine against these phenomena and to extract the characteristics of control of the ATREX engine. A control test of an intake is conducted at ONERA S3MA supersonic wind tunnel to accomplish an automatic operation of the intake under the high acceleration condition. The method of the detection of the position of the terminal shock is established. As a result, we succeed in controlling the intake automatically and about90% of the maximum total pressure recovery and mass capture ration are achieved without manual operation. The normal shock position could not be stable, because there was unexpected disturbance caused by bleed holes of the cowl surface. 'Form change operation' that is to start the inlet when the intake compression form changes from all external compression to mixed compression is necessary. Mass capture ratio is used to detect the intake unstart. In order to study dynamic response of supersonic air breathing engine and establish control logic during intake unstart, restart control tests of a subscale engine model, that consists of axisymmetric intake and turbojet engine are done at ISAS supersonic wind tunnel (Mach 3). Assuming the condition that the combustion flame is blown out by unstarting, restart control sequences are set as follows. First, after a wind tunnel is started, the core engine is ignited. Second, the intake is restarted while a rotational speed and a combustion gas temperature of the core engine are controlled. Third, after the restart of the intake, the intake spike position and the terminal shock position are controlled and intake total pressure recovery becomes the designed value (60%). Tests are successful and the engine thrust is recovered for approximately 30-40 seconds after the start up of the engine. Sudden increase of the combustion gas temperature and rotational speed after unstart is shown. This phenomenon is inevitable for supersonic engines that apply turbojet cycle as a core engine. To reduce sudden increase of the gas temperature, new sequence that is to close a fuel control valve after detection of the intake unstart is done, and an increase of the gas temperature is reduced. Necessity of avoidance of the intake buzz is shown experimentally. To avoid the intake buzz, 'buzz margin' control using the bypass door is proposed and succeeded., 資料番号: SA0200120000}, pages = {145--172}, title = {インテーク/エンジン制御に関する研究}, volume = {46}, year = {2003} }