@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00035235, author = {山田, 延男 and YAMADA, Nobuo}, issue = {6}, journal = {東京帝國大學航空研究所報告, Report of Aeronautical Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University}, month = {Oct}, note = {歐洲大戰に際し航空船氣球等に用ふる不燃性瓦斯としてヘリウムの利用が着目せられ天然瓦斯よりこれを得ることアメリカ合衆國にて試みられ成功せり.我國にも多量の天然瓦斯み産するを以て此中にも相當量の「ヘリウム」を含有せるものあるにあらずやと考へらる.同時に此等の天然瓦斯中の諸成分及其分布の状態を知ることは學術上にも興味あることなるのみならず將來燃料間題等に關しても參考となるものと考へらる.本研究所に於て寺澤,小林兩所頁は本邦産天然瓦斯中の「ヘリウム」を測定する目的にて内地各地の瓦斯二十種あまりを採集せられたるが寺澤所員の好意に依りて其研究を著者の手に委せられしを以て著者は其試料中十三種に就きて「ヘリウム」含量の豫備的試驗を行ひ其結果一種は0.2%他の四種は0.007-0.002%他はこれを含まざる事を知れり.此結果より考ふるに更に廣く試料を求めて其「ヘリウム」を測定せば或は更により多くの「ヘリウム」を含有せるものあるやも知れず.此目的にて全國に渉りて其採集を行ひ本州(五十八種)及九州(四種)より六十二種の試料を得其「ヘリウム」及其他の諸成分の含量な測定せり.其結果を總括すれば次の如し.採集分析せし瓦斯試料中の大部分は第三紀の地層より噴出せる石油瓦斯にして此處に分析せしものは本州に於ける其代表的のものゝ殆全部を綱羅せり.其他は少數の第四紀の地層より噴出し其組成前者の或ものに類似せる瓦斯及鑛泉と共に噴出せる鑛泉瓦斯なり.石油瓦斯の組成は勿論炭化水素を主成分とす.其主なるものは「メタン」にして「エタン」等の高級炭化水素は種々の割合に含まれ居れり.此等の高級炭化水素の全炭化水素に對する比は豫期せらるゝ如く其と同伴せる石油と關係ある如く著者の得たる結果に依れば大體石油の比重大なるものと同伴せる瓦斯中には炭化水素として「メタン」多く「エタン」等は少し.石油の比重の少なる程「エタン」等の全炭化水素に對しての割合増加す.此關係は勿論極めて定性的にて又常識的にも豫期し得らるゝ處のものなり.第四紀の地層よりの瓦斯は「メタン」を主とし其他に小量の炭酸瓦斯を含み居れり.鑛泉瓦斯は三つの型に分ち得らる.即ち炭化水素を主とせるもの窒素を主とぜるもの及炭酸を主とせるものなり.窒素を99%まで炭酸を67%まで含めるものあり.「ヘリウム」は石油瓦斯中には殆存在せず.本州の含油地層は北米合衆國のそれよりも新しく第三紀に屬す米國に於てもカリフオルニヤ地方の石油瓦斯の如く第三紀に屬する地層より噴出せるものは「ヘリウム」を含むこと稀なり.此事が或は本州産の石油瓦斯に「ヘリウム」を含まざる事に關係ある可し.分析せし瓦斯中「ヘリウム」を含むものは主として鑛泉瓦斯にして其他石油瓦斯第四紀よりの瓦斯も「ヘリウム」を含めるもの少數あり.何れの場合にも炭化水素多きものには「ヘリウム」を含むこと少く窒素の多きものに「ヘリウム」多きが如し.然し其量は唯一の場合に0.2%にして他は多くは千分の數パーセントに過ぎず.此結果より考ふれば「ヘリウム」を多量に得んが爲には此處に分析せし種類の瓦斯は望無しと考へらる.故に方面を變へて各地の火山瓦斯其他本州以外の石油地に於ける瓦斯を採集分析すること必要なりと信ず., (1) Sixty two samples of natural gases were collected from various places of Honshu and Kyushu, and were studied on their contents on helium and other common constituents. Most of them were found to be petroleum gases issuing from the tertiary system. Some are gases resembling the former in composition but evolved from younger reservoirs belonging to the quarternary system. Others are gases accompanying mineral springs. (2) The petroleum gas has natura'ly hydrocarbons as its main constituents. The greater part of hydrocarbons is methane, higher members of hydrocarbon being contained in various proportions. The contents of higher members of hydrocarbon as is to be expected have a certain relation with the composition of accompanying petroleum oil. The higher the specific gravity of oil is, the poorer the content of higher hydrocarbons in gas. (3) Gases from the quarternary system resemble the petroleum gas in composition. They consist mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, and are very poor in higher hydrocarbons. (4) Mineral spring gases analysed may be classified to three types, each having as its chief constituents hydrocarbons, nitrogen and carbon dioxide respectively. (5) The contents of helium in natural gas as here invest gated amount a few hundredth of per cent in many cases, its value being 0.2 per cent in one case. In general, gases rich in hydrocarbons do not contain helium, while those rich in nitrogen contain more or less of it. (6) Hydrogen is not present in all gases here investigated. In conclusion, the present writer expresses his cordial thanks to the late Prof. S. Terano, the former director of our Institute, and Prof. K. Terazawa under whose guidance the present work was carried out, and also to Prof. M. Katayama of the Faculty of Science for his valuable advices during the work. Thanks are also due to Mr. Uwatoko for his works in collecting gas samples and survaying the fields, and to Messrs. Z. Simidu, H. Kawano and S. Kato for their earnest assistance., 資料番号: SA4146379000}, pages = {171--187}, title = {On the Contents of Helium and Other Constituents in Japanese Natural Gas.}, volume = {1}, year = {1923} }