@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00036843, author = {永安, 正彦 and 中安, 英彦 and 重見, 仁 and Nagayasu, Masahiko and Nakayasu, Hidehiko and Shigemi, Masashi}, book = {航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料, Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory}, month = {Sep}, note = {24-25 Jul. 1996, 24-25 Jul. 1996, 航空宇宙技術研究所(NAL)と宇宙開発事業団(NASDA)はHOPE(H-2ロケット打上げ型有翼宇宙往還機)の研究の一環として、HOPEの自動着陸に必要な技術の開発を目的とする小型自動着陸実験(Automatic Landing Flight Experiment、ALFLEXと略称する)を共同で進めてきた。ALFLEXは現在その最終段階を迎え、オーストラリア連邦南オーストラリア州、ウーメラ飛行場を舞台に自動着陸飛行実験が進行中である。本報告はALFLEXの目的、概要などを略述した上で、本稿執筆時点までに実施された自動着陸飛行実験の速報を述べる。, NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory) and NASDA (National Space Development Agency) have been jointly conducting research of the HOPE (H-2 Orbiting Plane). The ALFLEX project (Automatic Landing Flight Experiment), currently advancing as a part of the HOPE research, is intended to acquire the fundamental technologies essential for achieving the automatic landing of the HOPE. The project is now at its final stage, and the automatic landing flight experiment is being in progress at Woomera Airfield in South Australia, Commonwealth of Australia. This paper describes the purposes and outline of ALFLEX project, and the quick report of the automatic landing flight experiment., 資料番号: AA0000584004, レポート番号: NAL SP-32}, pages = {17--26}, publisher = {航空宇宙技術研究所, National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL)}, title = {ALFLEXの試験状況について}, volume = {32}, year = {1996} }