@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00037232, author = {望月, 修 and 木谷, 勝 and 田中, 幸男 and Mochizuki, Osamu and Kiya, Masaru and Tanaka, Yukio}, book = {航空宇宙技術研究所特別資料, Special Publication of National Aerospace Laboratory}, month = {Jan}, note = {30 Sep.-1 Oct. 1997 (21st). 26-27 Mar. 1998 (22nd), 30 Sep.-1 Oct. 1997 (21st). 26-27 Mar. 1998 (22nd), 渦輪の周囲にそって配列した8個の熱線プローブで渦輪の速度測定を行い、それと同時に薄いレーザ光シートを用いて渦構造を可視化した。乱流変動が遷移開始時に渦核部分に現れた。方位角方向のうねりの振幅は遷移過程中に急速に増大した。乱流渦核で複雑なゆがみを観測した。乱流渦輪の最終段で、その複雑さは消失し、乱流変動が減少した。中心に向かって曲がった渦核の部分で乱流の始まりを観測した。, Velocity measurements of a vortex ring were performed by eight single hot wire probes arranged along the circumference of a vortex ring and synchronized with visualization of the vortical structures using a thin laser light sheet. Turbulent fluctuations appeared in a part of the vortex core at the beginning of transition. The amplitude of the azimuthal waviness grew quickly during the transition process. Intricate windings were observed in the turbulent vortex core. The complexity disappeared and the turbulent fluctuation was damped in the final stage of the turbulent vortex ring. The onset of turbulence was observed at that part of the vortex core which was curved towards the center., 資料番号: AA0001655009, レポート番号: NAL SP-40}, pages = {33--34}, publisher = {航空宇宙技術研究所, National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL)}, title = {渦輪の乱流遷移過程}, volume = {40}, year = {1999} }