@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00038552, author = {永松, 愛子 and 益川, 充代 and 上垣内, 茂樹 and 熊谷, 秀則 and 正木, 道子 and 安田, 仲宏 and 保田, 浩志 and Benton, Eric and 林, 孝義 and 俵, 裕子 and Nagamatsu, Aiko and Masukawa, Mitsuyo and Kamigaichi, Shigeki and Kumagai, Hidenori and Masaki, Michiko and Yasuda, Nakahiro and Yasuda, Hiroshi and Benton, Eric and Hayashi, Takayoshi and Tawara, Hiroko}, book = {KEK Preprint 2006-46}, month = {Nov}, note = {Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Radiation Detectors and Their Uses (February 1-3, 2006.), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 資料番号: AC1200015000}, pages = {1--11}, publisher = {高エネルギー加速器研究機構, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization}, title = {Development of the space radiation dosimetry system ‘PADLES’}, year = {2006} }