@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00038732, author = {今田, 高峰 and 佐藤, 直樹 and 渡邊, 泰秀 and 内川, 英明 and Imada, Takane and Sato, Naoki and Watanabe, Yasuhide and Uchikawa, Hideaki}, book = {第58回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, Proceedings of 58th Space Sciences and Technology Conference}, month = {Nov}, note = {第58回宇宙科学技術連合講演会(2014年11月12日-14日. 長崎ブリックホール), 長崎市, 長崎県, JAXA is planning a small re-entry capsule program which utilizes the HTV for sample returning from the ISS. The capsule has only 0.8 meter diameter but equips all functions as a navigated and controlled re-entry vehicle to be recovered in the ocean. The capsule has lots of characteristics to satisfy all safety and operational requirement as a cargo in HTV with the limited weight and volume resource. This paper describes the flight profile and the system design of the capsule., 資料番号: AC1500098000, レポート番号: JSASS-2014-4726}, publisher = {日本航空宇宙学会(JSASS), The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (JSASS)}, title = {HTV搭載小型回収カプセルの飛行計画と設計の特徴}, year = {2014} }