@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00041480, author = {佐々, 修一 and 五味, 広美 and 二宮, 哲次郎 and 稲垣, 敏治 and 濱田, 吉郎 and Sasa, Shuichi and Gomi, Hiromi and Ninomiya, Tetsujiro and Inagaki, Toshiharu and Hamada, Yoshiro}, month = {Aug}, note = {航空機の表示画面上に写し出される対象物体の画像は、その物体と航空機との相対位置および姿勢情報を得るために有効で、かつ自律航法システムに不可欠である。ここでは、水平線画像と矩形滑走路の両側平行2直線の画像を使って、空港に対する航空機の相対位置と姿勢を推定する一手法を提案して、さらに飛行実験による評価を実施した。具体的方法としては、入力となる画面へのセンサ情報は、航空機の機首に搭載したカメラにより撮影した着陸時の滑走路画像である。これを画面上で滑走路両側境界線交点の座標および境界線の傾きを求め、航空機の位置および姿勢情報を計算で求める方法を開発した。飛行実験は、Do-228型機を用いて着陸形態で実施し、これを従来のD(差分)GPSやINS航法データと比較した。その結果、姿勢角については、0.2度、位置は、1.5m程度の満足する精度を示したが、さらに、精度向上の可能性について検討する価値がある。, A graphic image on the display in the cockpit of aircraft can be used for providing the pilot with information in respect to the aircraft position and attitude relative to the runway when the aircraft is approaching for landing. This is particularly important for autonomous navigations. In this paper, a method was proposed by photographing the runway with a camera, installed at the cockpit, with a particular attention to the horizontal images and the side lines of the runway strip. Furthermore, validation was made on the accuracy of the method by carrying out the flight tests for landing with a Do-228 aircraft, installing the image processing system. The graphic input for sensor information was provided with the camera, photographing the runway during the approach, the data of which were processed for calculating the cross point coordinates and the gradients of the side lines of the airstrip image into obtaining the aircraft position and attitude relative to the runway. The experimental flights were conducted with Do-228 aircraft during the approach to landing. The data acquired were compared with the other data reference supplied from the conventional landing navigation systems, such as D (Differential) GPS and INS. As a result, the angle of the attitude was turned to be 0.2 deg and the position was 1.5 m each deviated from the conventional system measurements. The accuracy was practically satisfactory, though further improvements could still be valuable to be considered., 資料番号: AA0028656000, レポート番号: NAL TR-1411}, title = {滑走路画像を用いた航空機の姿勢・位置の推定と飛行実験結果}, year = {2000} }