@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004248, author = {菊地, 一雄 and 西澤, 敏雄 and 関根, 義人 and Kikuchi, Kazuo and Nishizawa, Toshio and Sekine, Yoshihito}, book = {宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料, JAXA Special Publication: Proceedings of 44th Fluid Dynamics Conference / Aerospace Numerical Simulation Symposium 2012}, month = {Mar}, note = {第44回流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム2012 (2012年7月5日-6日. 富山国際会議場大手町フォーラム), 富山市, 富山県, 44th Fluid Dynamics Conference / Aerospace Numerical Simulation Symposium 2012 (July 5-6, 2012. Toyama International Conference Center), Toyama Japan, The goals of the present study are to develop a numerical flow analysis method based on a high-accuracy algorithm and to simulate flow field around realistic shape like cascades of gas turbines with numerical method. In this paper, a high-accuracy algorithm which forms the basis of the high-accuracy flow simulation is described. In this algorithm, firstly the pressure gradient in the source term of Poisson equation is corrected so that the residual of the equation of continuity in the next time should be zero. Then, the pressure fields in next time iteration are calculated based on the corrected pressure gradient. Finally, the momentum conservation equations are solved with the new pressure field. The target accuracy is realized by repeating the procedure above. In our numerical solver, Residual Cutting Algorithm, which JAXA has developed, is adopted as matrix solver. Three cases of incompressible flow are analyzed to verify our numerical code""" ; Poiseuille flow between parallel flat plates, flow in a cascade of flat plate blades, and square cavity flow. The results are good and the applicability of our high-accuracy method for simulated flow fields is demonstrated., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA0061958008, レポート番号: JAXA-SP-12-010}, pages = {43--48}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)}, title = {残差切除法を用いた高精度流れ解析手法について}, volume = {JAXA-SP-12-010}, year = {2013} }