@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00043239, author = {末松, 和代 and 磯部, 俊夫 and Suematsu, Kazuyo and Isobe, Tosio}, month = {Dec}, note = {Recently computer graphics have become useful for efficient processing of the large amount of numerical data obtained from the execution of programs. We have developed a graphic software package to easily display various kinds of figures, such as grid distributions, pressure contours, oilflow patterns, and streamlines, which are often used in the field of computational aerodynamics. This package has a great many functions but they are accessible by simple subroutine-calls. This software package is applicable to all graphic devices at the NAL computer center by linkage with appropriate libraries, which are determined by the output device., 資料番号: NALSP0007023, レポート番号: NAL SP-7}, title = {空力計算における図形処理}, year = {1986} }