@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00044652, author = {FUJIMORI, Yoshinori}, month = {Jan}, note = {上下方向の非定常大気乱流によって加振される航空機翼に生ずるせん断力,曲げモーメントを求める式を導き,結果を時間とともに変る変化スペクトル(Evolutionary Spectrum)で表示した。従来の定常的な解析は本法の特別な場合である。航空機の運動としては上下動,Pitching主翼1次曲げの3自由度をとったが,この中でPitchingの寄与が一番大きい。スペクトルの結果から,過渡応答では剛体自由度が主であって,定常応答ではこれらの外に主翼曲げの自由度が入ってくることが分った。全応答のレベルを示すr.m.s.値は考慮する非定常性にもよるが,過渡応答時に最大となるので,定常解だけを求める従来の解析は不十分である。, Response formulation of the shear force and bending moment of the airplane wing has been established in terms of evolutionary cross spectrum. Frequency distribution of the responses of arbitrary wing sections can be obtained at any time instant of our interest after the airplane enters the nonstationary atmospheric turbulence. Conventional stationary solutions are included in this analysis as the special case. Contribution by the pitching motion is the highest to both shear and moment responses. The effect of the shear force to the stress level is negligibly smaller than that due to the bending moment. When the envelope profile looks like a step function, mean square moment takes the maximum in the trasient stage whose spectrum is dominated by rigid modes. But the spectrum at stationary state, where its mean square moment is lower than the transient maximum, shows both rigid and flexible motions. Therefore the search of the stationary solutions only is not adequate in view of ultimate strength and fatigue life of the airplane structure., 資料番号: NALTR0404T000, レポート番号: NAL TR-404T}, title = {Shear and Moment Response of the Airplane Wing to Nonstationary Turbulence}, year = {1975} }