@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00044944, author = {鳥崎, 忠雄 and 武田, 克巳 and 進藤, 重美 and 森田, 光男 and 関根, 静雄 and 松木, 正勝 and MAITA, Masataka and TORISAKI, Tadao and TAKEDA, Katsumi and SHINDO, Shigemi and MORITA, Mitsuo and SEKINE, Shizuo and NAKAYAMA, Shin and YOSIDA, Akira and KONDO, Hiroshi and MATSUKI, Masakatsu}, month = {Oct}, note = {本論文は,USB方式STOL機高揚力システムからの騒音特性,発生/伝播メカニズムの解明及び騒音低減化技術の確立のための技術研究の一環として,FJR710ターボファンエンジンを用いた実機スケールのUSB方式高揚力システム・モデル試験による解析結果を議論するものである。高揚力システムからの騒音の主要音源のidentification,遠距離場に伝播する騒音レベル及び周波数特性についてのデータスケーリング法,USB形態に於ける翼によるエンジン騒音の遮蔽効果等について明らかにし,又高揚力システムからの騒音低減化のための一つとして,サイド・フェンス方式に因る試みを行った。, Acoustic characteristics of the external upper surface blowing (USB) concept of a propulsive-lift configuration were studied by full-scale model static experiments. Test components included an FJR710 turbofan engine with an acoustically treated nacelle and a USB wing/flap assembly. These were utilized in conjunction with the ground verification testing of the propulsive systems of the National Aerospace Laboratory Quiet STOL Research Aircraft. Results were compared with the previous 8%-scale cold flow model data. The deffect of shielding provided by the wing/flap surface on aft-radiated durbofan engine noise was studied and some attempts were made to reduce USB noise., 資料番号: NALTR0687000, レポート番号: NAL TR-687T}, title = {Aerodynamic Noise Generated by Jet-Wing Flap Interactions of the External USB Configuration of STOL Aircraft [II]Full-Scale Model Experiment Using FJR710 Turbofan Engine}, year = {1981} }