@techreport{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00045388, author = {高橋, 侔 and 中谷, 輝臣 and 林, 良生 and 萱場, 重男 and 野口, 正芳 and 野中, 修 and 外立, 正隆 and 星野, 秀雄 and 馬場, 滋夫 and 井上, 隆 and TAKAHASHI, Hitoshi and NAKAYA, Teruomi and HAYASHI, Yoshio and KAYABA, Shigeo and NOGUCHI, Masayoshi and NONAKA, Osamu and HASHIDATE, Masataka and HOSHINO, Hideo and BABA, Shigeo and INOUE, Takashi}, month = {Nov}, note = {STOL実験機「飛鳥」の飛行試験αスイープ試験実施中,予想よりも早すぎるバフェットの発生とそれに伴う大きな振動が生じ,より大きな迎角までαスイープ試験を行うことが出来なくなった。このため,試験遂行の妨げとなっているバフェットの発生を遅らせ,更にバフェットの程度を和らげるのに有効な空力的手段を見いだすことを目的に風洞試験を実施した。その結果,バフェット対策としてナセル側面に三角形のフェンスを,またナセル間前縁にドループ・ノーズを取り付けることが最も有効であることを確認した。更に,これら対策を実機に適用し,飛行試験を実施した結果,バフェットの始まりが遅れ,振動の頻度が減少し,より高い迎角までのαスイープ試験が安全に遂行出来るようになり,当初の目的を達成する事が出来た。, During α-sweep flight testing of the short take-off and landing (STOL) experimental aircraft ″ASKA″, a buffet occurred earlier than expected, as well as large airframe vibrations, both of which contributed to preventing the high angle of attack portion of α-sweep testing from being conducted. Wind tunnel tests were subsequently performed in order to delay the onset of the wind buffet that prevented the performance of this flight test, and also to determine effective aerodynamic means to alleviate the buffet's strength. Results confirmed that both triangular fences fitted to the side of the nacelle and a dropped nose on the leading edge between the nacelles were most effective. These buffet countermeasures were then applied on ″ASKA″ and flight tests were conducted. It was found that the onset of a buffet was delayed and the vibration frequency of the airframe was reduced. This allowed the α-sweep testing to be safely carried out at higher angles of attack; hence enabling the initial objective to be achieved., 資料番号: NALTR1129000, レポート番号: NAL TR-1129}, title = {STOL全機模型バフェット対策風洞試験}, year = {1991} }