@article{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00046398, author = {北村, 圭一 and 青柿, 拓也 and 稲富, 彩乃 and 福本, 堪太 and 高濱, 俊匡 and 橋本, 敦 and Kitamura, Keiichi and Aogaki, Takuya and Inatomi, Ayano and Fukumoto, Kanta and Takahama, Toshimasa and Hashimoto, Atsushi}, issue = {8}, journal = {AIAA Journal}, month = {Jul}, note = {Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, Accepted: 2018-04-13, 資料番号: PA1920042000}, pages = {3192--3204}, title = {Postlimiters and Simple Dirty-Cell Detection for Three-Dimensional, Unstructured, (Unlimited) Aerodynamic Simulations}, volume = {56}, year = {2018} }