@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005077, author = {渡邉, 瑛里 and 滝沢, 元和 and 中澤, 知洋 and 川原田, 円 and 浜名, 崇 and 宮崎, 聡 and Watanabe, Eri and Takizawa, Motokazu and Nakazawa, Kazuhiro and Okabe, Nobuhiro and Kawaharada, Madoka and Hamana, Takashi and Miyazaki, Satoshi}, book = {宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料:, JAXA Special Publication: The Energetic Cosmos; from Suzaku to ASTRO-H}, month = {Feb}, note = {The 3rd Suzaku international Conference "Energetic Cosmos : from Suzaku to ASTRO-H" (June 29-July 2, 2009. Grand Park Otaru Hotel), Otaru, Hokkaido Japan, Around ZwCl0823.2+0425, several dark matter halos are found via the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS), which suggests that those halos constitute large-scale structure filaments. We observed a region around the cluster ZwCl0823.2+0425 (z = 0.2248) with Suzaku. ZwCl0823.2+0425 itself and the halo in the north of it are clearly bright in X-ray. According to the SDSS spectroscopic data, the north and northeast halos are at the redshift of z = 0.472, and the northwest one is at that of z = 0.2248. Therefore, it is clear that two large-scale filaments overlap in this region. In the northeast halo area, where the lensing signal is relatively weak, very faint X-ray excess is detected. On the other hand, in the northwest and southeast small halo area, which have the stronger weak lensing signal than the northeast halo area, little X-ray excess is detected. Such a diversity of X-ray properties suggests a variety of the concentration degree of baryon and baryon fraction itself. We investigate L(sub x)-T and M-T relations for ZwCl0823.2+0425 and the other sub halos. The obtained L(sub x)-T relation does not agree with the former typical results, and the M-T relation is slightly deviated from the self-similar model (3.3sigma), though any systematic errors of the background are not considered at present., Meeting sponsors: The University of Tokyo, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 資料番号: AA0064574145, レポート番号: JAXA-SP-09-008E}, pages = {378--379}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)}, title = {Suzaku Observation of Large Scale Structure Filaments around ZwCl0823.2+0425 Found through the Local Cluster Substructure Survey}, volume = {JAXA-SP-09-008E}, year = {2010} }