@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005159, author = {加藤, 裕之 and 渡辺, 重哉 and 塩原, 辰郎 and 渡邉, 篤史 and Kato, Hiroyuki and Watanabe, Shigeya and Watanabe, Atsushi}, book = {宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料: 第80回風洞研究会議論文集, JAXA Special Publication: Proceedings of the Wind Technology Association 80th meeting}, month = {Dec}, note = {第80回風洞研究会議(2008年5月15日-5月16日), JAXA2m×2m遷音速風洞におけるステレオPIV計測の実用化を目的とした技術確認試験について報告する.本試験は,計測技術開発用標準模型として製作したDLR F6模型を用い,第4カートにおけるPIV計測の確認及び,新規に整備を予定しているPIV用シーディングレークの動作確認を主な目的として実施された.模型後流の速度分布を中心に計測を行った.計測結果では,翼端渦,主翼後流,フロースルーナセル後流が明瞭に計測されており,TWT1第4カートにおける光学アクセスの有効性が示された., Stereoscopic PIV technique was applied to the DLR F6 model. The measurements have been performed in the JAXA 2 m x 2 m Transonic Wind tunnel (JAXA TWT1). Application of PIV measurement techniques to transonic wind tunnels has particular difficulties associated with complex flows with shock waves. Due to these difficulties, practical experiments of PIV measurements in transonic wind tunnels are limited. In the present study, The wind tunnel tests were conducted in the cart #4 of JAXA TWT1 which is most frequently used, has four perforated walls and a support system for a full-span aircraft model. In the PIV results, wing tip vortex was clearly observed near the wing tip. And wake of main wing and flow through nacelle are clearly observed corresponding to be low speed regions. These results showed that the optical access of cart #4 was effective., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, Wind Tunnel Technology Association Meeting, 資料番号: AA0064474002, レポート番号: JAXA-SP-09-004}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)}, title = {JAXA2m×2m遷音速風洞におけるDLR F6模型のステレオPIV計測}, volume = {JAXA-SP-09-004}, year = {2009} }