@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006514, author = {小島, 寧 and 後藤, 大亮 and 河内, 宏道 and Kojima, Yasushi and Goto, Daisuke and Kawauchi, Hiromichi}, book = {宇宙航空研究開発機構特別資料: 第1回宇宙環境シンポジウム報告書, JAXA Special Publication: Proceedings of the First Spacecraft Environment Symposium}, month = {Mar}, note = {ADvanced Earth Observing Satellite-2 (ADEOS-2) was launched by the H-2A launch vehicle Flight No.4 from the Tanegashima Space Center on December 14, 2002. On October 25, 2003, about ten months after launch, communication link was lost due to drop of solar generation power. At the same time that the anomaly occurred, small attitude perturbation and orbit change were observed. The cause is estimated that burned electric power harnesses of solar array paddle boom generate the thrust. In order to confirm this estimated cause, the length of burned power harnesses is analyzed using two approaches. First approach is the method based on kinetic theory of gasses and second one is to measure thrust by gas jet from burned power harnesses directly., 資料番号: AA0048468022, レポート番号: JAXA-SP-04-010}, pages = {122--127}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)}, title = {電力ハーネス焼損時における発生22ガスによる推力解析}, volume = {JAXA-SP-04-010}, year = {2005} }