@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007392, author = {高塚, 直樹 and 山田, 克彦 and Takatsuka, Naoki and Yamada, Katsuhiko}, book = {アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム講演後刷り集, Proceedings of 18th workshop on JAXA Astrodynamics and flight mechanics}, month = {Mar}, note = {Symposium on Flight Mechanics and Astrodynamics 2008 (July 28-29, 2008. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)), Sagamihara, Kanagawa Japan, 近年,地球観測衛星や科学観測衛星に対する高精度な高速姿勢マヌーバの要求を満たすため,コントロール・モーメント・ジャイロ(CMG)が注目されている.そこで今回の内容は一台のSingle-Gimbal CMGを用いて宇宙機の姿勢制御を行う.慣性空間における全角運動量が保存される拘束があるため任意の姿勢へ変更することはできない.しかしその拘束を満たせばある特定の姿勢へは変更可能である.そこで本稿ではその拘束についての考察を行ない,修正Rodriguezパラメータを用いた制御則を提案する., In order to satisfy the demand for precise and rapid attitude maneuver, Control Moment Gyros (CMGs) have attracted much attention in recent years. In this study, spacecraft attitude control using a singlegimbal CMG is considered. Because the total angular momentum of the spacecraft is conserved in the inertial space, an arbitrary attitude change cannot be achieved. However, some particular attitude changes are possible if the angular momentum constraint is satisfied. Therefore, we consider the possible attitude change of the spacecraft, and propose a simple control law using the modified Rodriguez parameters., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA0064733018}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)}, title = {Single-Gimbal CMGを用いた宇宙機の姿勢制御}, volume = {2008}, year = {2009} }