@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007471, author = {吉田, 和哉 and 山口, 智史 and 関本, 孝三 and 宮原, 啓 and 横山, 隆明 and Yoshida, Kazuya and Yamaguchi, Satoshi and Sekimoto, Kozo and Miyahara, Akira and Yokoyama, Takaaki}, book = {第17回アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム講演後刷り集 2007, Proceedings of 17th Workshop on JAXA Astrodynamics and Flight Mechanics}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論文では、月探査機の着陸挙動解析を行うための月面環境の模擬手法の提案とそれらの考察について述べる。探査機の着陸時の支配的物理法則を見出し、そこから模型理論(力学的相似則)に基づき模擬のための条件式を導き出した。次に、条件式の緩和と実験によるそれらの検証を行った。検証実験より、模擬条件における重力の影響の小ささを見出し、制約緩和の可能性を示すことができた。また、実際の月面着陸における探査機の月面土壌に対する貫入量と着陸時にかかる衝撃力を推定した。, In this paper, a scaling law on the landing behavior of a lunar probe is discussed. In order to derive an effective scaling law, all of the possible non-dimensional numbers, called pi-numbers, were examined at first based on the principle equations of the physics related to the phenomena. One strict relationship between the non-dimensional ratio and scaling law was then derived in terms of the size between a real model and a corresponding scale model. The relationship suggests that the scale models should have the size of one sixth of the real ones when studying the motion behavior of mechanical systems on the Moon. This fact has been well known in the space community. Next, the possibilities to relax the law were investigated, hence two candidate relationships were obtained. Experiments in a vacuum chamber using simulated lunar soil were carried out to validate these relaxed laws, and concluded that inertia forces and soil-cohesion forces dominate over gravity forces for the landing dynamics. Finally, the penetration depth into surface of the moon and maximum force of landing impact were estimated., 資料番号: AA0063718034}, pages = {206--211}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA/ISAS)}, title = {Scale modeling for landing behavior of a lunar probe and experimental verification}, year = {2008} }