@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007490, author = {井手, 陽介 and 坪井, 正徳 and 真野, 元 and Ide, Yosuke and Tsuboi, Masanori and Mano, Gen}, book = {第17回アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム講演後刷り集 2007, Proceedings of 17th Workshop on JAXA Astrodynamics and Flight Mechanics}, month = {Mar}, note = {月周回衛星SELENE(SELenological and ENgineering Explorer:かぐや)に続く月探査計画として、無人探査機による月面への着陸、月サンプルリターン、および有人での月探査までを視野に入れたときの、輸送構想の初期検討結果について述べる。無人探査機については、近い将来の実現性を考慮して、H-2A、H-2Bファミリーによる月探査機の打上能力について示す。また、有人での月探査については、その全体規模、モジュール構成案と2種の打ち上げ方式の得失について示す。, This paper describes the launch architecture concept studied for near term and future lunar exploration programs both manned and unmanned, following the SELENE (SELenological and ENgineering Explorer: KAGUYA) project. Near term launch architecture concept, which assumes to be applied to unmanned mission, such as lunar sample return, are based on H-2A/H-2B launchers. And for future missions, such as manned explorations, two types of launch architecture are studied in terms of magnitude of the total system architectures which impacts the development cost., 資料番号: AA0063718053}, pages = {323--326}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA/ISAS)}, title = {Preliminary study on transportation concept for future lunar exploration}, year = {2008} }