@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007539, author = {山田, 隆弘 and Yamada, Takahiro}, book = {第16回アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム講演後刷り集 2006, Proceedings of 16th Workshop on JAXA Astrodynamics and Flight Mechanics}, month = {Mar}, note = {「はやぶさ(MUSES-C: Asteroid Sample-return Spacecraft)」は宇宙研の科学衛星としては初めて海外局(NASAのDSN(Deep Space Network)局)を使い、テレメトリとコマンド双方のリアルタイム運用を行った。本論文では、運用結果のまとめ、このために構築したシステムの概要、将来ミッションへの提言を行う。, We performed on-line operations transferring commands and telemetry in real-time using foreign ground stations (i.e., DSN (Deep Space Network) stations of NASA) for Hayabusa (MUSES-C: Asteroid Sample-return Spacecraft) for the first time for science spacecraft of ISAS. This paper discusses summary of operations results, the system configuration used for these operations, and lessons learned for future missions., 資料番号: AA0063481038}, pages = {221--224}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA/ISAS)}, title = {Real-time operations using DSN for Hayabusa}, year = {2007} }