@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007725, author = {石島, 義之 and 山本, 昌幸 and 林, 健太郎 and 澤井, 秀次郎 and 橋本, 樹明 and 佐々, 修一 and 藤原, 健 and 濱田, 吉郎 and Ishijima, Yoshiyuki and Yamamoto, Masayuki and Hayashi, Kentaro and Sawai, Shujiro and Hashimoto, Tatsuaki and Sasa, Shuichi and Fujiwara, Takeshi and Hamada, Yoshiro}, book = {平成15年度アストロダイナミクスシンポジウム:講演後刷り集, ISAS Proceedings of 13th Workshop on Astrodynamics and Flight Mechanics 2003: A Collection of Technical Papers}, month = {Feb}, note = {月面上の特定の地点におけるサイエンスミッションを実現するため、月軟着陸実験機(SELENE-B)では高精度かつ安全な着陸が要求されている。本研究では、画像センサや高度計を利用した対月航法により実現される着陸時航法精度について共分散解析検討結果を示すとともに、ON/OFFスラスタ駆動制約下で高精度にダウンレンジ/クロスレンジを誘導する動力降下誘導アルゴリズムとその実現精度のシミュレーション解析結果、垂直降下フェーズにおける誘導能力の概略検討結果などについて示す。, SELENE(SELenological and ENgineering Explorer)-B is a proposed lunar landing system that performs scientific missions, such as geological surveys using a rover in a specified area on the lunar surface. A high accuracy guidance, navigation and control (GN and C) system is required for this mission and navigation and guidance accuracy at the terminal point of the landing phase is critical. A hybrid navigation system, using the sensors that provide an altitude and position relative to the lunar surface, is required for accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, a new guidance law is proposed that is based on a simple ON-OFF thrust control strategy that can perform accurate powered-descent guidance despite acceleration errors. In the vertical descent phase, the guidance capability for horizontal maneuvers and the position, velocity and attitude control strategy using on-off thrusters are investigated by numerical simulations. This paper summarizes the results of the investigations on the GN and C system of SELENE-B., 資料番号: AA0046652024}, pages = {150--155}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA/ISAS)}, title = {Study on high accurate navigation and guidance for the lunar soft landing experimental vehicle (SELENE-B)}, year = {2004} }