@inproceedings{oai:jaxa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008072, author = {吉田, 和生 and 田島, 道夫 and 曽根, 良嗣 and 川北, 史朗 and 仁木, 栄 and 櫻井, 啓一郎 and Yoshida, Kazuki and Tajima, Michio and Sone, Yoshitsugu and Kawakita, Shiro and Niki, Shigeru and Sakurai, Keiichiro}, book = {第25回宇宙エネルギーシンポジウム 平成17年度, The Twenty-fifth Space Energy Symposium March 10, 2006}, month = {Jun}, note = {Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells have the advantages of low weight and high radiation resistance, which are quite attractive for space application. The CIGS solar cells have a hetero-junction structure consisting of the window, buffer and absorber layers. In this work we investigated the radiation-induced effects on the CdS buffer and ZnO window layers of the CIGS cells using photoluminescence (PL) under selective excitation. The ZnO layers were excited by deep ultraviolet light which has higher energy than the bandgap of ZnO. The CdS layers were excited by visible light which has lower energy than the bandgap of ZnO and higher energy than that of CdS. To investigate the CIGS layers, we used the excitation light which has lower energy than the bandgap of CdS and higher energy than that of CIGS. The technique allowed us to make a nondestructive characterization of each layer. The PL spectrum of the cell before irradiation under 2.71 eV light excitation consisted of the 0.95, 1.06, 1.13 and 1.35 eV emissions. The intensity of the 1.35 eV band was decreased by about 40 percent after irradiation. Under 4.66 eV light excitation, the band-edge emission from the ZnO layer was observed at 3.40 eV for the cell before irradiation. The emission disappeared after irradiation. This proves that the proton irradiation degrades the ZnO layer. The radiation effects of the 0.38 MeV protons on the respective layers of CIGS cells were evaluated separately by selective excitation PL., 資料番号: AA0049121006}, pages = {26--30}, publisher = {宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA/ISAS)}, title = {選択励起フォトルミネッセンスによるCu(In, Ga)Se2太陽電池の放射線照射効果の解析}, year = {2006} }